end0tknr's kipple - web写経開発


my setting ( .perltidyrc ) of source code formatter for perl ( Perltidy )

に、ドキュメントがありますが、「dotfile perltidy」で検索しても、いろいろ見つかります

# http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/stylekey.html
# http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?perltidy

-l=78   # Max line width is 78 cols
-i=4    # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4   # Continuation indent is 4 cols
-st     # Output to STDOUT
-se     # Errors to STDERR
-vt=2   # Maximal vertical tightness
-cti=0  # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-pt=1   # Medium parenthesis tightness
-bt=1   # Medium brace tightness
-sbt=1  # Medium square brace tightness
-bbt=1  # Medium block brace tightness
-nsfs   # No space before semicolons
-nolq   # Don't outdent long quoted strings
-wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
        # Break before all operators

#### end0tknr add below

-bar	# Opening Braces Right
-ce     # Cuddled Else