久しぶりにexcel vbaのマクロを書いたら、いろいろ忘れてたので、メモ。
'変数宣言を必須にするおまじない Option Explicit Dim inputSheetDev As Worksheet '開発系テーマの入力シート Dim inputSheetOpt As Worksheet '運用系テーマの入力シート Dim startDateIni As Date ' 集計開始日 Dim endDateIni As Date ' 集計最終日 Dim uriDateIni As Date ' 売上実績基準 Dim dataBarMax As Long 'データバーの最大値 Dim dataBarMaxSum As Long 'データバーの最大値(合計用) Sub CalcJuchuuUriageSummary() If InitGlobalVals("はじめに") = False Then MsgBox "設定内容誤りの可能性で、処理開始できません" Exit Sub End If '#### シートの追加と、印刷設定(用紙サイズやマージン) Dim newSheet As Worksheet Set newSheet = Worksheets.Add Dim tmpCo As Variant tmpCo = setSheetFormat(newSheet) Dim rowCo As Integer Dim colCoL As Integer Dim colCoR As Integer Dim tmpCoL As Variant Dim tmpCoR As Variant Dim summary As Object '#### 開発・委託系テーマのworksheetの読み取り(parse) Dim inputRows As Collection Set inputRows = ParseInputSheet(inputSheetDev) 'チームリーダ名を抽出 Dim tmLeaders() As Variant tmLeaders = extractTmleaders(inputRows) '受注計画 Set summary = CalcJuchuuPlans(inputRows, startDateIni, endDateIni) '集計結果の出力 rowCo = 2 colCoL = 1 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoL).Value = "■" & inputSheetDev.name & " <受注 計画>" tmpCoL = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoL) '受注実績 Set summary = CalcJuchuuDones(inputRows, startDateIni, endDateIni) '集計結果の出力 colCoR = tmpCoL(2) + 3 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoR).Value = "■" & inputSheetDev.name & " <受注 実績>" tmpCoR = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoR) '計画実績の差異を出力 tmpCo = writeTblDiff(newSheet, rowCo + 1, tmpCoL(1), tmpCoL(2), tmpCoR(2)) '売上計画 Set summary = CalcUriagePlans(inputRows, startDateIni, endDateIni) '集計結果の出力 rowCo = tmpCoL(1) + 4 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoL).Value = "■" & inputSheetDev.name & " <売上 計画>" tmpCoL = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoL) '売上実績 Set summary = CalcUriageDones(inputRows, startDateIni, uriDateIni) '集計結果の出力 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoR).Value = "■" & inputSheetDev.name & " <売上 実績>" tmpCoR = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoR) '計画実績の差異を出力 tmpCo = writeTblDiff(newSheet, rowCo + 1, tmpCoL(1), tmpCoL(2), tmpCoR(2)) '#### 専任・運用系テーマのworksheetの読み取り(parse) Set inputRows = ParseInputSheet(inputSheetOpt) '売上計画 Set summary = CalcUriagePlans(inputRows, startDateIni, endDateIni) '集計結果の出力 rowCo = tmpCoL(1) + 4 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoL).Value = "■" & inputSheetOpt.name & " <売上 計画>" tmpCoL = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoL) '売上実績 Set summary = CalcUriageDones(inputRows, startDateIni, uriDateIni) '集計結果の出力 newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCoR).Value = "■" & inputSheetOpt.name & " <売上 実績>" tmpCoR = writeTbl(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders, startDateIni, endDateIni, rowCo + 1, colCoR) '計画実績の差異を出力 tmpCo = writeTblDiff(newSheet, rowCo + 1, tmpCoL(1), tmpCoL(2), tmpCoR(2)) End Sub Function InitGlobalVals(ByVal setupSheetName As String) As Boolean InitGlobalVals = False If ExistWorksheet(setupSheetName) = False Then MsgBox "設定用シート:" & setupSheetName & " がありません" Exit Function End If Dim setupSheet As Worksheet Set setupSheet = Worksheets(setupSheetName) Dim sheetName As String sheetName = setupSheet.Cells(4, 2).Value If ExistWorksheet(sheetName) = False Then MsgBox "開発・委託系用シート:" & sheetName & " がありません" Exit Function End If Set inputSheetDev = Worksheets(sheetName) sheetName = setupSheet.Cells(5, 2).Value If ExistWorksheet(sheetName) = False Then MsgBox "専任・運用系用シート:" & sheetName & " がありません" Exit Function End If Set inputSheetOpt = Worksheets(sheetName) Dim dateStr As String dateStr = setupSheet.Cells(6, 2).Value If IsDate(dateStr) = False Then MsgBox "日付:" & dateStr & " が不正です" Exit Function End If startDateIni = dateStr dateStr = setupSheet.Cells(7, 2).Value If IsDate(dateStr) = False Then MsgBox "日付:" & dateStr & " が不正です" Exit Function End If endDateIni = dateStr dateStr = setupSheet.Cells(8, 2).Value If IsDate(dateStr) = False Then MsgBox "日付:" & dateStr & " が不正です" Exit Function End If uriDateIni = dateStr dataBarMax = 50000 dataBarMaxSum = 100000 InitGlobalVals = True End Function ' 売上実績の集計 Function CalcUriageDones(ByVal inputRows As Collection, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date) As Object Dim summary As Object Set summary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To inputRows.Count Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = inputRows(i) Dim tmpDate As Date tmpDate = startDate Do While tmpDate <= endDate Dim dateStr As String dateStr = tmpDate If inputRow("確度") = "売" And inputRow.Exists(dateStr) Then Dim tmLeader As String tmLeader = convTantou2Leader(inputRow("SK")) Dim yyyymm As String yyyymm = ConvDate2Str(tmpDate) Set summary = AddPrice2Hash(summary, tmLeader, yyyymm, inputRow(dateStr)) End If tmpDate = DateAdd("m", 1, tmpDate) Loop Next Set CalcUriageDones = summary End Function Function writeTbl(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, ByVal summary As Object, _ ByVal tmLeaders As Variant, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date, _ ByVal rowCo As Integer, ByVal colCo As Integer) As Integer() Dim rowCoTmp As Integer Dim colCoTmp As Integer '最左列の見出し rowCoTmp = writeTblLcaption(newSheet, startDate, endDate, rowCo, colCo) 'チーム別の成績 Dim i As Integer colCoTmp = colCo For i = 0 To UBound(tmLeaders) colCoTmp = colCoTmp + 1 rowCoTmp = writeTblBody(newSheet, summary, tmLeaders(i), startDate, endDate, rowCo, colCoTmp) Next '最左列に合計 rowCoTmp = writeTblSum(newSheet, rowCo, rowCoTmp, colCo + 1, colCoTmp) Dim coTmp(2) As Integer coTmp(1) = rowCoTmp coTmp(2) = colCoTmp + 1 writeTbl = coTmp End Function Function CalcUriagePlans(ByVal inputRows As Collection, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date) As Object Dim summary As Object Set summary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To inputRows.Count Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = inputRows(i) Dim tmpDate As Date tmpDate = startDate Do While tmpDate < endDate Dim dateStr As String dateStr = tmpDate If inputRow.Exists(dateStr) Then Dim tmLeader As String tmLeader = convTantou2Leader(inputRow("SK")) Dim yyyymm As String yyyymm = ConvDate2Str(tmpDate) If IsNumeric(inputRow(dateStr)) Then ' 数値であることの確認 Set summary = AddPrice2Hash(summary, tmLeader, yyyymm, inputRow(dateStr)) End If End If tmpDate = DateAdd("m", 1, tmpDate) Loop Next Set CalcUriagePlans = summary End Function Function writeTblDiff(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, _ ByVal rowCo1 As Integer, ByVal rowCo2 As Integer, _ ByVal colCo1 As Integer, ByVal colCo2 As Integer) As Integer newSheet.Cells(rowCo1, colCo2 + 1).Value = "差" Dim rowCoTmp As Integer For rowCoTmp = rowCo1 + 1 To rowCo2 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo2 + 1).Value = _ "=" & Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo2).Address & "-" & Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo1).Address Next '罫線描画 rowCoTmp = setTblColFrameLine(newSheet, rowCo1, rowCo2, colCo2 + 1) '数値の表示形式設定 newSheet.Range(Cells(rowCo1, colCo2 + 1), Cells(rowCo2, colCo2 + 1)).NumberFormatLocal _ = "#,##0_ ;[赤]-#,##0 " writeTblDiff = rowCo2 End Function Function writeTblSum(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, _ ByVal rowCo1 As Integer, ByVal rowCo2 As Integer, _ ByVal colCo1 As Integer, ByVal colCo2 As Integer) As Integer newSheet.Cells(rowCo1, colCo2 + 1).Value = "計(千円)" Dim rowCoTmp As Integer For rowCoTmp = rowCo1 + 1 To rowCo2 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo2 + 1).Value = _ "=SUM(" & Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo1).Address & ":" & Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo2).Address & ")" Next '罫線描画 rowCoTmp = setTblColFrameLine(newSheet, rowCo1, rowCo2, colCo2 + 1) '条件付き書式(データバー)設定 rowCoTmp = setTblColDatabar(newSheet, rowCo1 + 1, rowCo2 - 1, colCo2 + 1, _ dataBarMaxSum, xlThemeColorAccent6) writeTblSum = rowCo2 End Function Function writeTblBody(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, ByVal summary As Object, _ ByVal tmLeader As String, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date, _ ByVal rowCo As Integer, ByVal colCo As Integer) As Integer newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo) = tmLeader Dim tmpDateStr As String Dim rowCoTmp As Integer rowCoTmp = rowCo Dim price As Long ' vbaのintegerは扱える最大値が小さい様、オーバーフローする為 Do While startDate < endDate tmpDateStr = ConvDate2Str(startDate) ' YYYYMMの文字列に変更 'hash mapにおけるkeyの存在確認 If summary.Exists(tmLeader & " " & tmpDateStr) Then price = summary(tmLeader & " " & tmpDateStr) Else price = 0 End If rowCoTmp = rowCoTmp + 1 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo) = price startDate = DateAdd("m", 1, startDate) '1ヶ月後の日付計算 Loop '合計行 rowCoTmp = rowCoTmp + 1 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo) = _ "=SUM(" & Cells(rowCo + 1, colCo).Address & ":" & Cells(rowCoTmp - 1, colCo).Address & ")" '罫線描画 rowCoTmp = setTblColFrameLine(newSheet, rowCo, rowCoTmp, colCo) '数値の表示形式設定 newSheet.Range(Cells(rowCo + 1, colCo), Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo)).NumberFormatLocal = "#,##0_ " '条件付き書式(データバー)設定 rowCoTmp = setTblColDatabar(newSheet, rowCo + 1, rowCoTmp - 1, colCo, dataBarMax, xlThemeColorAccent5) writeTblBody = rowCoTmp + 1 End Function Function writeTblLcaption(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date, _ ByVal rowCo As Integer, ByVal colCo As Integer) As Integer newSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo).Value = "年月" Dim rowCoTmp As Integer rowCoTmp = rowCo Do While startDate < endDate rowCoTmp = rowCoTmp + 1 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo).Value = ConvDate2Str(startDate) startDate = DateAdd("m", 1, startDate) '1ヶ月後の日付算出 Loop rowCoTmp = rowCoTmp + 1 newSheet.Cells(rowCoTmp, colCo).Value = "計(千円)" '罫線描画 rowCoTmp = setTblColFrameLine(newSheet, rowCo, rowCoTmp, colCo) writeTblLcaption = rowCoTmp End Function Function extractTmleaders(ByVal inputRows As Collection) As Variant Dim tmLeadersHash As Object Set tmLeadersHash = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To inputRows.Count Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = inputRows(i) Dim tmLeader As String tmLeadersHash(convTantou2Leader(inputRow("SK"))) = 1 Next extractTmleaders = tmLeadersHash.Keys End Function Function CalcJuchuuPlans(ByVal inputRows As Collection, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date) As Object Dim summary As Object Set summary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' vbaのhash map Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To inputRows.Count Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = inputRows(i) Dim inDateStr As String inDateStr = inputRow("受注年月") ' 「20~」と入力されていれば、日付として扱う If Len(inDateStr) > 4 And Left(inDateStr, 2) = "20" Then Dim inDate As Date inDate = inputRow("受注年月") '数値であることの判定後、日付判定 If inDate <= endDate Then Dim tmLeader As String tmLeader = convTantou2Leader(inputRow("SK")) Dim yyyymm As String Dim state As String If startDate <= inDate And inputRow("確度") <> "D" Then Dim kakudo As String yyyymm = ConvDate2Str(inDate) Set summary = AddPrice2Hash(summary, tmLeader, yyyymm, inputRow("千円")) '前期の確度:A~Cテーマは、未受注テーマとして当期の初月(例:4月)でカウント ElseIf inDate < startDate And _ (inputRow("確度") = "A" Or inputRow("確度") = "B" Or inputRow("確度") = "C") Then yyyymm = ConvDate2Str(startDate) Set summary = AddPrice2Hash(summary, tmLeader, yyyymm, inputRow("千円")) End If End If End If Next Set CalcJuchuuPlans = summary End Function Function CalcJuchuuDones(ByVal inputRows As Collection, _ ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date) As Object Dim summary As Object Set summary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To inputRows.Count Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = inputRows(i) Dim inDateStr As String inDateStr = inputRow("受注年月") If Len(inDateStr) > 4 And Left(inDateStr, 2) = "20" And _ (inputRow("確度") = "受" Or inputRow("確度") = "売") Then Dim inDate As Date inDate = inDateStr Dim tmLeader As String tmLeader = convTantou2Leader(inputRow("SK")) Dim yyyymm As String yyyymm = ConvDate2Str(inDate) Set summary = AddPrice2Hash(summary, tmLeader, yyyymm, inputRow("千円")) End If Next Set CalcJuchuuDones = summary End Function Function AddPrice2Hash(ByVal summary As Object, _ ByVal tmLeader As String, ByVal yyyymm As String, _ ByVal newPrice As Integer) As Object Dim setKey As String setKey = tmLeader & " " & yyyymm Dim tmpPrice tmpPrice = 0 If summary.Exists(setKey) Then tmpPrice = summary(setKey) End If If IsNumeric(newPrice) Then summary(setKey) = tmpPrice + newPrice End If Set AddPrice2Hash = summary End Function Function convTantou2Leader(ByVal tantouName As String) As String Dim re As Object Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") ' 正規表現とキャプチャ re.Pattern = "^([^\(\)]+)" Dim mc As Object Set mc = re.Execute(tantouName) If mc.Count > 0 Then convTantou2Leader = mc(0) Else convTantou2Leader = "" End If End Function '日付型をYYYYMM形式の文字列に変換 Function ConvDate2Str(ByVal orgDate As Date) As String Dim dateStr As String dateStr = Year(orgDate) If month(orgDate) < 10 Then dateStr = dateStr & "0" & month(orgDate) Else dateStr = dateStr & month(orgDate) End If ConvDate2Str = dateStr End Function Function ParseInputSheet(ByVal InSheet As Worksheet) As Collection Dim atriKeys As Collection Set atriKeys = ParseInputThead(InSheet) Dim inputRows As Collection Set inputRows = ParseInputTbody(InSheet, atriKeys) Set ParseInputSheet = inputRows End Function Function ParseInputTbody(ByVal InSheet As Worksheet, ByVal atriKeys As Collection) As Collection Dim inputRows As Collection Set inputRows = New Collection Dim rowCo As Integer rowCo = 3 ' テーマ名があるものをloop Do While InSheet.Cells(rowCo, 2).Value <> "" And rowCo < 500 'テーマ数の最大値も設定 Dim inputRow As Object Set inputRow = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim colCo As Integer colCo = 1 Do While colCo < 50 '属性(カラム)の最大数も設定 If InSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo).Value <> "" Then '全角→半角してhash mapに登録 inputRow(atriKeys(colCo)) = StrConv(InSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo).Value, vbNarrow) End If colCo = colCo + 1 Loop ' IsNumeric()は数値であることの判定 If inputRow.Exists("千円") And IsNumeric(inputRow("千円")) Then inputRows.Add inputRow Else MsgBox "テーマ名:" & inputRow("テーマ名") & " は、受注額が数値以外の入力のようです" End If rowCo = rowCo + 1 Loop Set ParseInputTbody = inputRows End Function Function ParseInputThead(ByVal InSheet As Worksheet) As Collection Dim atriKeys As Collection '可変長配列 Set atriKeys = New Collection Dim rowCo As Integer Dim colCo As Integer rowCo = 2 colCo = 1 Do While InSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo).Value <> "" And colCo < 50 Dim atriKey As String atriKey = InSheet.Cells(rowCo, colCo).Value If IsDate(atriKey) Then '日付の形式チェック Dim tmpDate As Date tmpDate = atriKey atriKey = tmpDate End If atriKeys.Add atriKey colCo = colCo + 1 Loop Set ParseInputThead = atriKeys End Function Function setSheetFormat(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet) As Integer With newSheet.PageSetup .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.31496062992126) .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.31496062992126) .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.551181102362205) .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.551181102362205) .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.31496062992126) .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.31496062992126) .Orientation = xlLandscape .PaperSize = xlPaperA4 .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With setSheetFormat = 1 End Function 'セルの書式(罫線)の設定 Function setTblColFrameLine(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, _ ByVal rowCo1 As Integer, ByVal rowCo2 As Integer, _ ByVal colCo As Integer) As Integer With newSheet.Range(Cells(rowCo1, colCo), Cells(rowCo2, colCo)) .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).ColorIndex = 0 .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous .Borders(xlEdgeRight).ColorIndex = 0 .Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous .Borders(xlEdgeTop).ColorIndex = 0 .Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = 0 .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlContinuous .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).ColorIndex = 0 .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = xlThin End With setTblColFrameLine = rowCo2 End Function '条件付き書式(データバー)の設定 Function setTblColDatabar(ByVal newSheet As Worksheet, _ ByVal rowCo1 As Integer, ByVal rowCo2 As Integer, _ ByVal colCo As Integer, _ ByVal maxVal As Long, _ ByVal barColor As Variant) As Integer newSheet.Range(Cells(rowCo1, colCo), Cells(rowCo2, colCo)).FormatConditions.AddDatabar With newSheet.Range(Cells(rowCo1, colCo), Cells(rowCo2, colCo)).FormatConditions(1) .MinPoint.Modify newtype:=xlConditionValueNumber, newvalue:=0 .MaxPoint.Modify newtype:=xlConditionValueNumber, newvalue:=maxVal .barColor.ThemeColor = barColor .barColor.TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105 .BarFillType = xlDataBarFillSolid .Direction = xlContext .NegativeBarFormat.ColorType = xlDataBarColor .BarBorder.Type = xlDataBarBorderNone .AxisPosition = xlDataBarAxisAutomatic End With setTblColDatabar = rowCo2 End Function 'ワークシートの存在確認 Function ExistWorksheet(ByVal name As String) As Boolean Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Sheets If ws.name = name Then ExistWorksheet = True Exit Function End If Next ExistWorksheet = False End Function