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php v.5.5.11のconfigure option一覧

あまりにphpを知らないので、入門として、INSTALLやconfigure --helpを読みながら、srcからinstall



perlであれば、DBI , DBD::mysql , GD , JSON , Digest::MD5 , CGI::Session , Archive::Zip 等、cpanから別途installが必要なmoduleが多くありますが、php では、標準モジュールとして添付されているものが多い。
まとめてinstallする分には楽ですが、頻繁なver upの原因の1つかと思います。

後から、標準モジュール?を追加installするには? phpizeから


$ cd php-5.5.11/ext/ftp
$ /usr/local/bin/phpize    ## perlの「/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL」に該当
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make test
$ su
# make install 
configure ; make ; make install の手順

php-5.5.11/INSTALL も参照しながら、次のようにしました

$ cd php-5.5.11
$ ./configure \
  --with-apxs2=/home/endo/local/apache22/bin/apxs \
  --enable-mbstring \
  --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
  --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config \
$ make
$ make test
$ su
# make install
# cp php.ini-development /usr/local/lib/php.ini
php -m で install済のmodule一覧表示

perlでは「$ find `perl -e 'print "@INC"'` -name '*.pm' -print」ですかねぇ

$ /usr/local/bin/php -m
[PHP Modules]

[Zend Modules]

オレオレ、configure オプション一覧

[php-5.5.11]$ ./configure --help
`configure' configures this package to adapt to many kinds of systems.

Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...

To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
VAR=VALUE.  See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.

Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.

  -h, --help              display this help and exit
      --help=short        display options specific to this package
      --help=recursive    display the short help of all the included packages
  -V, --version           display version information and exit
  -q, --quiet, --silent   do not print `checking ...' messages
      --cache-file=FILE   cache test results in FILE [disabled]
  -C, --config-cache      alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'
  -n, --no-create         do not create output files
      --srcdir=DIR        find the sources in DIR [configure dir or `..']

Installation directories:
  --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX   install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX

By default, `make install' will install all the files in
`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/lib' etc.  You can specify
an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' using `--prefix',
for instance `--prefix=$HOME'.

For better control, use the options below.

Fine tuning of the installation directories:
  --bindir=DIR            user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
  --sbindir=DIR           system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
  --libexecdir=DIR        program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
  --sysconfdir=DIR        read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
  --sharedstatedir=DIR    modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
  --localstatedir=DIR     modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
  --libdir=DIR            object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
  --includedir=DIR        C header files [PREFIX/include]
  --oldincludedir=DIR     C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
  --datarootdir=DIR       read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
  --datadir=DIR           read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
  --infodir=DIR           info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
  --localedir=DIR         locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
  --mandir=DIR            man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
  --docdir=DIR            documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/PACKAGE]
  --htmldir=DIR           html documentation [DOCDIR]
  --dvidir=DIR            dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
  --pdfdir=DIR            pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
  --psdir=DIR             ps documentation [DOCDIR]
System types
System types:
  --build=BUILD     configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
  --host=HOST       cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
  --target=TARGET   configure for building compilers for TARGET [HOST]


Optional Features and Packages
Optional Features and Packages:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
  --with-libdir=NAME      Look for libraries in .../NAME rather than .../lib
  --disable-rpath         Disable passing additional runtime library
                          search paths
  --enable-re2c-cgoto     Enable -g flag to re2c to use computed goto gcc extension

re2c = 字句解析...? 利用しないと思うので無視。

SAPI modules

SAPI (Server Application Programming Interface) ...?
mod_perlのように phpapacheと同じプロセスで動作させる為のもの...と勝手に理解して読み進めます。

SAPI modules:
  --with-aolserver=DIR    Specify path to the installed AOLserver
  --with-apxs=FILE        Build shared Apache 1.x module. FILE is the optional
                          pathname to the Apache apxs tool apxs
  --with-apache=DIR       Build Apache 1.x module. DIR is the top-level Apache
                          build directory /usr/local/apache
  --enable-mod-charset    APACHE: Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus Apache)
                          EXPERIMENTAL: Build shared Apache 2.0 Filter module. FILE is the optional
                          pathname to the Apache apxs tool apxs
  --with-apxs2=FILE       Build shared Apache 2.0 Handler module. FILE is the optional
                          pathname to the Apache apxs tool apxs
                          EXPERIMENTAL: Build shared Apache 1.x module. FILE is the optional
                          pathname to the Apache apxs tool apxs
                          EXPERIMENTAL: Build Apache 1.x module. DIR is the top-level Apache
                          build directory /usr/local/apache
  --enable-mod-charset    APACHE (hooks): Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus Apache)
  --with-caudium=DIR      Build PHP as a Pike module for use with Caudium.
                          DIR is the Caudium server dir /usr/local/caudium/server
  --disable-cli           Disable building CLI version of PHP
                          (this forces --without-pear)
  --with-continuity=DIR   Build PHP as Continuity Server module.
                          DIR is path to the installed Continuity Server root
  --enable-embed=TYPE     EXPERIMENTAL: Enable building of embedded SAPI library
                          TYPE is either 'shared' or 'static'. TYPE=shared
  --enable-fpm            Enable building of the fpm SAPI executable
  --with-fpm-user=USER    Set the user for php-fpm to run as. (default: nobody)
  --with-fpm-group=GRP    Set the group for php-fpm to run as. For a system user, this
                          should usually be set to match the fpm username (default: nobody)
  --with-fpm-systemd      Activate systemd integration
  --with-isapi=DIR        Build PHP as an ISAPI module for use with Zeus
  --with-litespeed        Build PHP as litespeed module
  --with-milter=DIR       Build PHP as Milter application
  --with-nsapi=DIR        Build PHP as NSAPI module for Netscape/iPlanet/Sun Webserver
  --with-phttpd=DIR       Build PHP as phttpd module
  --with-pi3web=DIR       Build PHP as Pi3Web module
  --with-roxen=DIR        Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen
                          directory, normally /usr/local/roxen/server
  --enable-roxen-zts      ROXEN: Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety
  --with-thttpd=SRCDIR    Build PHP as thttpd module
  --with-tux=MODULEDIR    Build PHP as a TUX module (Linux only)
  --with-webjames=SRCDIR  Build PHP as a WebJames module (RISC OS only)
  --disable-cgi           Disable building CGI version of PHP

「AOLserverって何?」や「nginx + php の環境は?」の疑問はありますが、apache2.2 + php の環境作成は「--with-apxs2=FILE」のみを指定すればよさそう。
「--with-apxs2」により [APACHE]/modules/libphp5.so が作成されます

General settings
General settings:
  --enable-gcov           Enable GCOV code coverage (requires LTP) - FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY!!
  --enable-debug          Compile with debugging symbols
  --with-layout=TYPE      Set how installed files will be laid out.  Type can
                          be either PHP or GNU [PHP]
                          Set the path in which to look for php.ini [PREFIX/lib]
                          Set the path where to scan for configuration files
  --enable-sigchild       Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler
  --enable-libgcc         Enable explicitly linking against libgcc
  --disable-short-tags    Disable the short-form <? start tag by default
  --enable-dmalloc        Enable dmalloc
  --disable-ipv6          Disable IPv6 support
  --enable-dtrace         Enable DTrace support
  --enable-fd-setsize     Set size of descriptor sets

「gcov is a test coverage program.」らしい。


Dmalloc - Debug Malloc Library ...?


    NOTE: Not all extensions can be build as 'shared'.

    Example: --with-foobar=shared,/usr/local/foobar/

      o Builds the foobar extension as shared extension.
      o foobar package install prefix is /usr/local/foobar/

  --disable-all           Disable all extensions which are enabled by default

  --with-regex=TYPE       Regex library type: system, php. TYPE=php
                          WARNING: Do NOT use unless you know what you are doing!
####マルチバイトは必要ですので、--enable-mbstring は指定します

  --disable-libxml        Disable LIBXML support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   LIBXML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-openssl=DIR      Include OpenSSL support (requires OpenSSL >= 0.9.6)

  --with-kerberos=DIR     OPENSSL: Include Kerberos support
  --with-pcre-regex=DIR   Include Perl Compatible Regular Expressions support.
                          DIR is the PCRE install prefix BUNDLED
  --without-sqlite3=DIR   Do not include SQLite3 support. DIR is the prefix to
                          SQLite3 installation directory.
  --with-zlib=DIR         Include ZLIB support (requires zlib >= 1.0.9)
  --with-zlib-dir=<DIR>   Define the location of zlib install directory
  --enable-bcmath         Enable bc style precision math functions
####任意精度数学関数...? 今回は使用しません
#### http://www.php.net/manual/ja/book.bc.php
  --with-bz2=DIR          Include BZip2 support
  --enable-calendar       Enable support for calendar conversion
  --disable-ctype         Disable ctype functions
  --with-curl=DIR         Include cURL support
  --enable-dba            Build DBA with bundled modules. To build shared DBA
                          extension use --enable-dba=shared
#### http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1111/11/news136.html
#### http://www.php.net/manual/ja/dba.installation.php
#### ↑このurlから、このoptionは使用しないことにしました
  --with-qdbm=DIR         DBA: QDBM support
  --with-gdbm=DIR         DBA: GDBM support
  --with-ndbm=DIR         DBA: NDBM support
  --with-db4=DIR          DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 4.x or 5.x support
  --with-db3=DIR          DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 3.x support
  --with-db2=DIR          DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 2.x support
  --with-db1=DIR          DBA: Oracle Berkeley DB 1.x support/emulation
  --with-dbm=DIR          DBA: DBM support
  --with-tcadb=DIR        DBA: Tokyo Cabinet abstract DB support
  --without-cdb=DIR       DBA: CDB support (bundled)
  --disable-inifile       DBA: INI support (bundled)
  --disable-flatfile      DBA: FlatFile support (bundled)

  --disable-dom           Disable DOM support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   DOM: libxml2 install prefix

  --with-enchant=DIR      Include enchant support.
                          GNU Aspell version 1.1.3 or higher required.
#### http://aspell.net/
#### spell checker ? 使用しません
  --enable-exif           Enable EXIF (metadata from images) support
  --disable-fileinfo      Disable fileinfo support
  --disable-filter        Disable input filter support
  --with-pcre-dir         FILTER: pcre install prefix

  --enable-ftp            Enable FTP support
#### FTPは今回使用しませんが、必要になったら..
#### $ cd php-5.X.X/ext/ftp ; phpize ; ./configure ; make ; su ; make install 
#### で追加できるみたい
  --with-openssl-dir=DIR  FTP: openssl install prefix
  --with-gd=DIR           Include GD support.  DIR is the GD library base
                          install directory BUNDLED
  --with-vpx-dir=DIR      GD: Set the path to libvpx install prefix
  --with-jpeg-dir=DIR     GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix
  --with-png-dir=DIR      GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix
  --with-zlib-dir=DIR     GD: Set the path to libz install prefix
  --with-xpm-dir=DIR      GD: Set the path to libXpm install prefix
  --with-freetype-dir=DIR GD: Set the path to FreeType 2 install prefix
  --with-t1lib=DIR        GD: Include T1lib support. T1lib version >= 5.0.0 required
  --enable-gd-native-ttf  GD: Enable TrueType string function
  --enable-gd-jis-conv    GD: Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support

  --with-gettext=DIR      Include GNU gettext support
#### http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext 今回は使用しません

  --with-gmp=DIR          Include GNU MP support

  --with-mhash=DIR        Include mhash support
#### http://mhash.sourceforge.net/
#### MD5やSHA1を利用可能になるそうですが...今回は使用しません

  --disable-hash          Disable hash support

  --without-iconv=DIR     Exclude iconv support
#### perlではiconvでなくEncode.pmを使用しますが、phpはiconvなの?

  --with-imap=DIR         Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install prefix
  --with-kerberos=DIR     IMAP: Include Kerberos support. DIR is the Kerberos install prefix
  --with-imap-ssl=DIR     IMAP: Include SSL support. DIR is the OpenSSL install prefix
  --with-interbase=DIR    Include InterBase support.  DIR is the InterBase base
                          install directory /usr/interbase
  --enable-intl           Enable internationalization support
#### ICU (International Components for Unicode) ...今回は使用しません
#### http://www.php.net/manual/ja/intl.requirements.php
#### http://site.icu-project.org/

  --with-icu-dir=DIR      Specify where ICU libraries and headers can be found
  --disable-json          Disable JavaScript Object Serialization support
  --with-ldap=DIR         Include LDAP support
  --with-ldap-sasl=DIR    LDAP: Include Cyrus SASL support

  --enable-mbstring       Enable multibyte string support
  --disable-mbregex       MBSTRING: Disable multibyte regex support
                          MBSTRING: Disable multibyte regex backtrack check
  --with-libmbfl=DIR      MBSTRING: Use external libmbfl.  DIR is the libmbfl base
                          install directory BUNDLED
  --with-onig=DIR         MBSTRING: Use external oniguruma. DIR is the oniguruma install prefix.
                          If DIR is not set, the bundled oniguruma will be used
#### マルチバイト文字列 関数...大事そうなので、--enable-mbstring だけは指定します
#### http://www.php.net/manual/ja/ref.mbstring.php

  --with-mcrypt=DIR       Include mcrypt support
#### CBCやDES等の共通鍵による暗号化/復号化...今回は使用しません
#### http://php.net/manual/ja/ref.mcrypt.php
#### http://mcrypt.sourceforge.net

  --with-mssql=DIR        Include MSSQL-DB support.  DIR is the FreeTDS home
                          directory /usr/local/freetds

  --with-mysql=DIR        Include MySQL support.  DIR is the MySQL base
                          directory, if no DIR is passed or the value is
                          mysqlnd the MySQL native driver will be used
                          MySQL/MySQLi/PDO_MYSQL: Location of the MySQL unix socket pointer.
                          If unspecified, the default locations are searched
  --with-zlib-dir=DIR     MySQL: Set the path to libz install prefix
  --with-mysqli=FILE      Include MySQLi support.  FILE is the path
                          to mysql_config.  If no value or mysqlnd is passed
                          as FILE, the MySQL native driver will be used
                          MYSQLi: Enable embedded support
                          Note: Does not work with MySQL native driver!
#### 後述のPDO (Php Data Objects)との関連をよく理解できませんでしたが
#### --with-mysql , --with-mysqli , --with-pdo-mysql を指定します
#### --enable-mysqlnd (MySQL native driver for PHP)もあるようですが
#### こちらは、今回、使用しません

  --with-oci8=DIR         Include Oracle Database OCI8 support. DIR defaults to \$ORACLE_HOME.
                          Use --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
                          to use an Oracle Instant Client installation
  --with-adabas=DIR       Include Adabas D support /usr/local
  --with-sapdb=DIR        Include SAP DB support /usr/local
  --with-solid=DIR        Include Solid support /usr/local/solid
  --with-ibm-db2=DIR      Include IBM DB2 support /home/db2inst1/sqllib
  --with-ODBCRouter=DIR   Include ODBCRouter.com support /usr
  --with-empress=DIR      Include Empress support \$EMPRESSPATH
                          (Empress Version >= 8.60 required)
                          Include Empress Local Access support \$EMPRESSPATH
                          (Empress Version >= 8.60 required)
  --with-birdstep=DIR     Include Birdstep support /usr/local/birdstep
  --with-custom-odbc=DIR  Include user defined ODBC support. DIR is ODBC install base
                          directory /usr/local. Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and
                          have some odbc.h in your include dirs. f.e. you should define
                          following for Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to
                          running this configure script:
                            CPPFLAGS=\"-DODBC_QNX -DSQLANY_BUG\"
                            CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS=\"-ldblib -lodbc\"
  --with-iodbc=DIR        Include iODBC support /usr/local
  --with-esoob=DIR        Include Easysoft OOB support /usr/local/easysoft/oob/client
  --with-unixODBC=DIR     Include unixODBC support /usr/local
  --with-dbmaker=DIR      Include DBMaker support

  --enable-opcache        Enable Zend OPcache support
#### APC (Alternative PHP Cache)の後継で
#### PHPのスクリプトを最適化してコンパイルされた状態でデータをキャッシュし、
#### 以後同じデータにアクセスがあった際、そのキャッシュを利用することで
#### スクリプトの実行速度を高速化させるためのもの...らしい

  --enable-pcntl          Enable pcntl support (CLI/CGI only)
#### 子プロセスにforkして、並列処理させるらしい

  --disable-pdo           Disable PHP Data Objects support
  --with-pdo-dblib=DIR    PDO: DBLIB-DB support.  DIR is the FreeTDS home directory
  --with-pdo-firebird=DIR PDO: Firebird support.  DIR is the Firebird base
                          install directory /opt/firebird
  --with-pdo-mysql=DIR    PDO: MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory
                          If no value or mysqlnd is passed as DIR, the
                          MySQL native driver will be used
  --with-zlib-dir=DIR     PDO_MySQL: Set the path to libz install prefix
  --with-pdo-oci=DIR      PDO: Oracle OCI support. DIR defaults to \$ORACLE_HOME.
                          Use --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,prefix,version
                          for an Oracle Instant Client SDK.
                          For example on Linux with 11.2 RPMs use:
                          With 10.2 RPMs use:
                          PDO: Support for 'flavour' ODBC driver.
                          include and lib dirs are looked for under 'dir'.

                          'flavour' can be one of:  ibm-db2, iODBC, unixODBC, generic
                          If ',dir' part is omitted, default for the flavour
                          you have selected will be used. e.g.:


                          will check for unixODBC under /usr/local. You may attempt
                          to use an otherwise unsupported driver using the \"generic\"
                          flavour.  The syntax for generic ODBC support is:


                          When built as 'shared' the extension filename is always pdo_odbc.so
  --with-pdo-pgsql=DIR    PDO: PostgreSQL support.  DIR is the PostgreSQL base
                          install directory or the path to pg_config
                          PDO: sqlite 3 support.  DIR is the sqlite base
                          install directory BUNDLED
  --with-pgsql=DIR        Include PostgreSQL support.  DIR is the PostgreSQL
                          base install directory or the path to pg_config

  --disable-phar          Disable phar support
  --disable-posix         Disable POSIX-like functions
  --with-pspell=DIR       Include PSPELL support.
                          GNU Aspell version 0.50.0 or higher required
#### --with-enchant と関連するのかな? 今回は使用しません

  --with-libedit=DIR      Include libedit readline replacement (CLI/CGI only)
  --with-readline=DIR     Include readline support (CLI/CGI only)
  --with-recode=DIR       Include recode support

  --disable-session       Disable session support
  --with-mm=DIR           SESSION: Include mm support for session storage
#### http://www.php.net/manual/ja/session.installation.php
#### セッション記憶領域として共有メモリ(mm)を使用する際に指定...?
#### なんとなく...利用しません

  --enable-shmop          Enable shmop support
#### 共有メモリ関数を使用する場合に指定...今回は使用しません

  --disable-simplexml     Disable SimpleXML support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   SimpleXML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-snmp=DIR         Include SNMP support
  --with-openssl-dir=DIR  SNMP: openssl install prefix
  --enable-soap           Enable SOAP support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   SOAP: libxml2 install prefix
  --enable-sockets        Enable sockets support
  --with-sybase-ct=DIR    Include Sybase-CT support.  DIR is the Sybase home
                          directory /home/sybase

  --enable-sysvmsg        Enable sysvmsg support
  --enable-sysvsem        Enable System V semaphore support
  --enable-sysvshm        Enable the System V shared memory support
#### unixのSystemV関連? 使用しません

  --with-tidy=DIR         Include TIDY support
#### htmlをスクレイピングする際に指定? 使用しません

  --disable-tokenizer     Disable tokenizer support

  --enable-wddx           Enable WDDX support
#### ググっても、よく理解できませんでした。使用しません

  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   WDDX: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-libexpat-dir=DIR WDDX: libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI (deprecated)
  --disable-xml           Disable XML support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XML: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XML: libexpat install prefix (deprecated)
  --disable-xmlreader     Disable XMLReader support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLReader: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-xmlrpc=DIR       Include XMLRPC-EPI support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLRPC-EPI: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XMLRPC-EPI: libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI (deprecated)
  --with-iconv-dir=DIR    XMLRPC-EPI: iconv dir for XMLRPC-EPI
  --disable-xmlwriter     Disable XMLWriter support
  --with-libxml-dir=DIR   XMLWriter: libxml2 install prefix
  --with-xsl=DIR          Include XSL support.  DIR is the libxslt base
                          install directory (libxslt >= 1.1.0 required)

  --enable-zip            Include Zip read/write support
  --with-zlib-dir=DIR     ZIP: Set the path to libz install prefix
  --with-pcre-dir         ZIP: pcre install prefix
#### perlでは Archive::Zip を使用していましたが、今回は使用しません

  --enable-mysqlnd        Enable mysqlnd explicitly, will be done implicitly
                          when required by other extensions
                          Disable support for the MySQL compressed protocol in mysqlnd

  --with-zlib-dir=DIR     mysqlnd: Set the path to libz install prefix

http://pear.php.net/ perlで言う cpanかな?

  --with-pear=DIR         Install PEAR in DIR [PREFIX/lib/php]
  --without-pear          Do not install PEAR

MVC を提供するFrameWork?

  --with-zend-vm=TYPE     Set virtual machine dispatch method. Type is
                          one of "CALL", "SWITCH" or "GOTO" TYPE=CALL
  --enable-maintainer-zts Enable thread safety - for code maintainers only!!
                          If building zend_execute.lo fails, try this switch
  --enable-zend-signals   Use zend signal handling

TSRM (Thread-Safe Resource Manager)...? 使用しません

                          Use GNU Pth
  --with-tsrm-st          Use SGI's State Threads
  --with-tsrm-pthreads    Use POSIX threads (default)
  --enable-shared=PKGS    Build shared libraries default=yes
  --enable-static=PKGS    Build static libraries default=yes
                          Optimize for fast installation default=yes
  --with-gnu-ld           Assume the C compiler uses GNU ld default=no
  --disable-libtool-lock  Avoid locking (might break parallel builds)
  --with-pic              Try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects default=use both
  --with-tags=TAGS        Include additional configurations automatic

Some influential environment variables:
  CC          C compiler command
  CFLAGS      C compiler flags
  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
  CPPFLAGS    (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
  CPP         C preprocessor
  YACC        The `Yet Another Compiler Compiler' implementation to use.
              Defaults to the first program found out of: `bison -y', `byacc',
  YFLAGS      The list of arguments that will be passed by default to $YACC.
              This script will default YFLAGS to the empty string to avoid a
              default value of `-d' given by some make applications.
  CXX         C++ compiler command
  CXXFLAGS    C++ compiler flags
  CXXCPP      C++ preprocessor

Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.

Report bugs to the package provider.

phpのmake test結果

FAILやWARNINGが表示されましたが、面倒なので、無視してmake installしています

TIME END 2014-05-01 10:12:15

Exts skipped    :   48
Exts tested     :   31

Number of tests : 13025              9489
Tests skipped   : 3536 ( 27.1%) --------
Tests warned    :    3 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :   22 (  0.2%) (  0.2%)
Expected fail   :   39 (  0.3%) (  0.4%)
Tests passed    : 9425 ( 72.4%) ( 99.3%)
Time taken      : 2447 seconds

Test script to verify that magic methods should be called only once when accessing an unset property. [tests/classes/bug63462.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Bug 63462 is not yet fixed
Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_linkinfo.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: BUG: open_basedir cannot delete symlink to prohibited file. See also
bugs 48111 and 52176.
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_008.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Discussion: http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=120221184420957&w=2
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members - 2 [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_009.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Discussion: http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=120221184420957&w=2
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Bug #63336 (invalid E_NOTICE error occur) [Zend/tests/bug63336.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Bug is not fixed yet
Bug #64896 (Segfault with gc_collect_cycles using unserialize on certain objects) [Zend/tests/bug64896.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: We can not fix this bug without a significant (performace slow down) change to gc
Fixed Bug #65784 (Segfault with finally) [Zend/tests/bug65784.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: This bug is not fixed in 5.5 due to ABI BC
Initial value of static var in method depends on the include time of the class definition [Zend/tests/method_static_var.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Maybe not a bug
DateTime::add() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type2-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type3-type2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type3-type3.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
RFC: DateTime and Daylight Saving Time Transitions (zone type 3, bd2) [ext/date/tests/rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-bd2.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Still not quite right
RFC: DateTime and Daylight Saving Time Transitions (zone type 3, fs) [ext/date/tests/rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-fs.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Still not quite right
Bug #42718 (unsafe_raw filter not applied when configured as default filter) [ext/filter/tests/bug42718.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW not applied when configured as default filter, even with flags
zend multibyte (7) [ext/mbstring/tests/zend_multibyte-07.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66582
zend multibyte (9) [ext/mbstring/tests/zend_multibyte-09.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66582
Bug #39858 (Lost connection to MySQL server during query by a repeated call stored proced) [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/bug_39858.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: nextRowset() problem with stored proc & emulation mode & mysqlnd
PDO MySQL Bug #41997 (stored procedure call returning single rowset blocks future queries) [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/bug_41997.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: nextRowset() problem with stored proc & emulation mode & mysqlnd
PECL Bug #7976 (Calling stored procedure several times) [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/bug_pecl_7976.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Works with mysqlnd. It is not supported by libmysql. For libmysql is good enough to see no crash.
MySQL Prepared Statements and different column counts [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_stmt_variable_columncount.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: nextRowset() problem with stored proc & emulation mode & mysqlnd
Bug #45712 (NaN/INF comparison) [ext/standard/tests/math/bug45712.phpt]  XFAIL REASON: Bug 45712 not fixed yet.

Bug #44069 (Huge memory usage with concatenation using . instead of .=) [Zend/tests/bug44069.phpt]
Bug #5547 (mysql_pconnect leaks file descriptors on reconnect) [ext/mysql/tests/bug55473.phpt]
Bug #52082 (character_set_client & character_set_connection reset after mysqli_change_user) [ext/mysqli/tests/bug52082.phpt]
Bug #62046      mysqli@mysqlnd can't iterate over stored sets after call to mysqli_stmt_reset() [ext/mysqli/tests/bug62046.phpt]
Bug #66124 (mysqli under mysqlnd loses precision when bind_param with 'i') [ext/mysqli/tests/bug66124.phpt]
mysqli_begin_transaction() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_begin_transaction.phpt]
mysqli->fetch_array() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_fetch_array_oo.phpt]
mysqli_fetch_assoc() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_fetch_assoc_oo.phpt]
mysqli_result->lengths [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_fetch_lengths_oo.phpt]
API vs. SQL LAST_INSERT_ID() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_last_insert_id.phpt]
mysqli iterators [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_query_iterators.phpt]
Bug #61411 (PDO Segfaults with PERSISTENT == TRUE && EMULATE_PREPARES == FALSE) [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/bug_61411.phpt]
MySQL PDO->__construct() - Generic + DSN [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql___construct.phpt]
PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_attr_oracle_nulls.phpt]
PDO_MYSQL: Defining a connection charset in the DSN [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_connect_charset.phpt]
MySQL PDO->exec(), affected rows [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_exec_load_data.phpt]
ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue() [ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionClass_getStaticPropertyValue_001_2_4.phpt]
ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue() [ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionClass_setStaticPropertyValue_001_2_4.phpt]
Bug #54291 (Crash iterating DirectoryIterator for dir name starting with \0) [ext/spl/tests/bug54291.phpt]
Bug #64146 (serialize incorrectly saving objects when they are cloned) [ext/standard/tests/serialize/bug64146.phpt]
XMLReader: libxml2 XML Reader, DTD [ext/xmlreader/tests/008.phpt]
XMLReader: accessing empty and non existing attributes [ext/xmlreader/tests/012.phpt]

zend multibyte (2) [ext/mbstring/tests/zend_multibyte-02.phpt] (warn: XFAIL section but test passes)
zend multibyte (6) [ext/mbstring/tests/zend_multibyte-06.phpt] (warn: XFAIL section but test passes)
MySQL PDO->prepare(), emulated PS [ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_prepare_emulated.phpt] (warn: XFAIL section but test passes)

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