select hm.member_id, hm.member_sid, hm.jogai_flag, hh.regist_date as hgw_update_date, coalesce(hh.pv1,0)+coalesce(hh.pv2,0) as pv_size from xxxx_member hm join hgw_history hh on (hm.member_id=hh.member_id and hh.regist_date = (select max(hh2.regist_date) from hgw_history as hh2 where hh.member_id=hh2.member_id)) where hm.update_date<? and hm.member_id not in (select sr.member_id from stat_result sr where (sr.stat_package in('NoMeasure','CtPolarity')) and ?<=chk_date and chk_date<=?) and hm.jogai_flag not in ('1','2','3','4') and coalesce(hh.pv1,0)+coalesce(hh.pv2,0) > 0 order by hh.member_id