再 - antlr4-python3-runtime for python3 による java source の parse / 構文解析 - end0tknr's kipple - web写経開発
先程、記載した上記entry を再度、修正。
単純に parse / 構文解析を行うと、コメント分が削除される為、 ast.ast_processor.py 内で、無理やり?、COMMENT & LINE_COMMNET を収集。
詳細は、ast.ast_processor.py をご覧下さい。
▲ 1,000行を超えるsrcの場合、parseできない場合があるようです。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys sys.path.append( os.path.dirname(__file__) ) import glob import logging.config from ast.ast_processor import AstProcessor from ast.basic_info_listener import BasicInfoListener import re import sys import yaml import pprint log_conf = './log_conf.yaml' # log設定は自分でも怪しいと思う line_feed_str = "\r\n" def main(): logging.config.dictConfig(yaml.load(open(log_conf).read(), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)) logger = logging.getLogger('mainLogger') java_base_dir = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isdir(java_base_dir): java_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(java_base_dir,'**/*.java'), recursive=True) else: java_paths = [java_base_dir] src_infos = {} for java_path in sorted(java_paths): print( java_path ) try: src_info_and_comments = \ AstProcessor(logging, BasicInfoListener()).execute(java_path) except: print("ERROR fail AstProcessor.execute()", java_path) continue src_info = src_info_and_comments[0] comments = src_info_and_comments[1] # 上下に連続するcomment は merge comments = merge_comments(comments,src_info) # 近接するsrcにcommentを添付? attach_comments_to_src(comments,src_info) src_infos[java_path] = src_info for java_path in src_infos: src_info = src_infos[java_path] print(pprint.pformat(src_info, width=80)) def attach_comments_to_src(comments,src_info): for comment in comments: for offset in [1,2]: start_line = comment["pos"]["start_line"] stop_line = comment["pos"]["stop_line" ] + offset found_src = find_src_by_line_no_range([start_line,stop_line], src_info) if not found_src: continue #以下の場合 body_srcに既にコメントが含まれている為、pass if found_src["pos"]["start_line"] < start_line and \ stop_line < found_src["pos"]["stop_line"]: continue found_src["comment"] = comment break def merge_comments(comments,src_info): ret_comments = [] org_comments_size = len(comments) i = 0 while i+1 < org_comments_size: comment_0 = comments[i] comment_1 = comments[i+1] merge_result = merge_comments_sub(comment_0,comment_1,src_info) if len(merge_result) == 2: ret_comments.append(merge_result[0]) i += 1 return ret_comments def merge_comments_sub(comment_0,comment_1,src_info): if comment_0["pos"]["stop_line"] +1 != comment_1["pos"]["start_line"]: return [comment_0,comment_1] line_nos = [comment_0["pos"]["start_line"], comment_1["pos"]["stop_line"]] # comment 範囲に、実際のsrcがある場合、merge対象外 found_src = find_src_by_line_no_range(line_nos,src_info) if found_src: return [comment_0,comment_1] comment_1["text"] = comment_0["text"] + line_feed_str +comment_1["text"] comment_1["pos"]["start_line"] = comment_0["pos"]["start_line"] comment_1["pos"]["start_column"] = comment_0["pos"]["start_column"] return [comment_1] def find_src_by_line_no_range(line_nos,src_info): if type(src_info) is dict: for atri_key in src_info: atri_val = src_info[atri_key] if atri_key == "pos": if(src_info[atri_key]["start_line"] <= line_nos[0] and \ line_nos[0] <= src_info[atri_key]["stop_line"] ): return src_info elif(src_info[atri_key]["start_line"] <= line_nos[1] and \ line_nos[1] <= src_info[atri_key]["stop_line"]): return src_info if type(atri_val) is list or type(atri_val) is dict: found_src = find_src_by_line_no_range(line_nos,atri_val) if found_src: return found_src elif type(src_info) is list: for atri_val in src_info: if type(atri_val) is list or type(atri_val) is dict: found_src = find_src_by_line_no_range(line_nos,atri_val) if found_src: return found_src return None if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from antlr4 import FileStream, CommonTokenStream, ParseTreeWalker from ast.JavaLexer import JavaLexer from ast.JavaParser import JavaParser import copy import pprint import unicodedata source_encode = "utf-8" class AstProcessor: def __init__(self, logging, listener): self.logging = logging self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.listener = listener def execute(self, input_source): file_stream = FileStream(input_source,encoding=source_encode) java_lexer = JavaLexer(file_stream) # CommonTokenStream へ渡す前であれば、commentを取得できます comments = self.extract_comments(java_lexer) # 一度、java_lexer.getAllTokens() を行うと # なぜか java_lexer が壊れるようですので、改めて # FileStream から。 file_stream = FileStream(input_source,encoding=source_encode) java_lexer = JavaLexer(file_stream) common_token_stream = CommonTokenStream(java_lexer) parser = JavaParser(common_token_stream) walker = ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(self.listener, parser.compilationUnit()) ast_info = self.listener.ast_info # BasicInfoListener 内で getText()した場合、 # 空白や改行がないtextが取得される為、ここで # CommonTokenStream から getText() します for tmp_class in ast_info['classes']: for method in tmp_class['methods']: start_index = method['body_pos']['start_index'] stop_index = method['body_pos']['stop_index'] method['body_src'] = \ common_token_stream.getText(start_index,stop_index) return [ast_info, comments] def extract_comments(self, java_lexer): tmp_tokens = java_lexer.getAllTokens() comments = [] # CommonTokenStream へ渡す前であれば、commentを取得できます for tmp_token in tmp_tokens: # LINE_COMMENT=110-1, IDENTIFIER=111-1 in JavaLexer.py if not tmp_token.type in [109,110]: continue comment_text = tmp_token.text comment_lines = comment_text.splitlines() stop_line = tmp_token.line + len(comment_lines)-1 stop_column = len(comment_lines[-1]) if tmp_token.line == stop_line: stop_column += tmp_token.column comments.append({ "text":comment_text, "pos" :{"start_line" :tmp_token.line, "start_column":tmp_token.column, "stop_line" :stop_line, "stop_column" :stop_column } }) return comments
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ast.JavaParserListener import JavaParserListener from ast.JavaParser import JavaParser import copy import re import sys import pprint class BasicInfoListener(JavaParserListener): def __init__(self): self.ast_info = {'package' : {}, 'imports' : [], 'classes' : [] } self.class_base = {'name' : '', 'annotation' : [], 'modifier' : {}, 'implements' : [], 'extends' : '', 'fields' : [], 'methods' : [] } self.tmp_class = {} self.tmp_annotation = [] self.tmp_modifier = [] def enterPackageDeclaration(self, ctx): self.ast_info['package'] = { 'name' : ctx.qualifiedName().getText(), 'pos' : {'start_line' : ctx.start.line, 'start_column': ctx.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx.stop.line, 'stop_column' : ctx.stop.column, 'stop_index' : ctx.stop.tokenIndex} } def enterImportDeclaration(self, ctx): self.ast_info['imports'].append( {'name' : ctx.qualifiedName().getText(), 'pos' : {'start_line' : ctx.start.line, 'start_column': ctx.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx.stop.line, 'stop_column' : ctx.stop.column, 'stop_index' : ctx.stop.tokenIndex}} ) def enterClassOrInterfaceModifier(self, ctx): tmp_name = ctx.getText() # なぜか ctx.start.column == ctx.stop.column の為 stop_column = ctx.stop.column + len(tmp_name) tmp_info = { 'name' : tmp_name, 'pos' : {'start_line' : ctx.start.line, 'start_column': ctx.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx.stop.line, 'stop_column' : stop_column, 'stop_index' : ctx.stop.tokenIndex}} if re.match('^@', tmp_info['name']): self.tmp_annotation.append(tmp_info) else : self.tmp_modifier.append(tmp_info) def enterClassDeclaration(self, ctx): self.tmp_class = copy.copy( self.class_base ) self.tmp_class['annotation'] = self.tmp_annotation self.tmp_class['modifier'] = self.tmp_modifier self.tmp_annotation = [] self.tmp_modifier = [] self.tmp_class['pos'] ={ 'start_line' : ctx.start.line, 'start_column': ctx.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx.stop.line, 'stop_column' : ctx.stop.column, 'stop_index' : ctx.stop.tokenIndex } child_count = int(ctx.getChildCount()) if child_count == 7: c1 = ctx.getChild(0) # class c2 = ctx.getChild(1).getText() # class name c3 = ctx.getChild(2) # extends c4 = ctx.getChild(3).getChild(0).getText() # extends class name c5 = ctx.getChild(4) # implements c7 = ctx.getChild(6) # class body self.tmp_class['name'] = c2 self.tmp_class['extends'] = c4 self.tmp_class['implements'] = \ self.parse_implements_block(ctx.getChild(5)) return if child_count == 5: c1 = ctx.getChild(0) # class c2 = ctx.getChild(1).getText() # class name c3 = ctx.getChild(2).getText() # extends or implements c5 = ctx.getChild(4) # class body self.tmp_class['name'] = c2 if c3 == 'implements': self.tmp_class['implements'] = \ self.parse_implements_block(ctx.getChild(3)) elif c3 == 'extends': c4 = ctx.getChild(3).getChild(0).getText() self.tmp_class['extends'] = c4 return if child_count == 3: c1 = ctx.getChild(0) # class c2 = ctx.getChild(1).getText() # class name c3 = ctx.getChild(2) # class body self.tmp_class['name'] = c2 return print("ERROR unknown child_count"+ str(child_count)) sys.exit() def exitClassDeclaration(self, ctx): self.ast_info['classes'].append(copy.copy(self.tmp_class) ) def enterFieldDeclaration(self, ctx): field = {'type' : ctx.getChild(0).getText(), 'body_src' : ctx.getChild(1).getText(), 'annotation': [], 'modifier' : [] } field['annotation'] = copy.copy(self.tmp_annotation) field['modifier'] = copy.copy(self.tmp_modifier) self.tmp_annotation = [] self.tmp_modifier = [] self.tmp_class['fields'].append(field) def enterMethodDeclaration(self, ctx): c1 = ctx.getChild(0).getText() # return type c2 = ctx.getChild(1).getText() # method name # params params = self.parse_method_params_block(ctx.getChild(2)) # method bodyを CommonTokenStream と tokenIndex により得る為 ctx_method_body = ctx.getChild(-1) method_info = {'returnType': c1, 'name' : c2, 'annotation': [], 'modifier' : [], 'params': params, 'pos' : {'start_line' : ctx.start.line, 'start_column': ctx.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx.stop.line, 'stop_column' : ctx.stop.column, 'stop_index' : ctx.stop.tokenIndex}, 'body_pos' : { 'start_line' : ctx_method_body.start.line, 'start_column': ctx_method_body.start.column, 'start_index' : ctx_method_body.start.tokenIndex, 'stop_line' : ctx_method_body.stop.line, 'stop_column' : ctx_method_body.stop.column, 'stop_index' : ctx_method_body.stop.tokenIndex}} method_info['annotation'] = self.tmp_annotation method_info['modifier'] = self.tmp_modifier self.tmp_annotation = [] self.tmp_modifier = [] self.tmp_class['methods'].append(method_info) def parse_implements_block(self, ctx): implements_child_count = int(ctx.getChildCount()) result = [] if implements_child_count == 1: impl_class = ctx.getChild(0).getText() result.append(impl_class) elif implements_child_count > 1: for i in range(implements_child_count): if i % 2 == 0: impl_class = ctx.getChild(i).getText() result.append(impl_class) return result def parse_method_params_block(self, ctx): params_exist_check = int(ctx.getChildCount()) result = [] if params_exist_check == 3: params_child_count = int(ctx.getChild(1).getChildCount()) if params_child_count == 1: param_type = ctx.getChild(1).getChild(0).getChild(0).getText() param_name = ctx.getChild(1).getChild(0).getChild(1).getText() param_info = {'paramType': param_type, 'paramName': param_name } result.append(param_info) elif params_child_count > 1: for i in range(params_child_count): if i % 2 == 0: param_type = \ ctx.getChild(1).getChild(i).getChild(0).getText() param_name = \ ctx.getChild(1).getChild(i).getChild(1).getText() param_info = {'paramType': param_type, 'paramName': param_name } result.append(param_info) return result