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PhpMetrics による php source の 循環複雑度計測( Cyclomatic complexity code metrics)



php の code metrics は、sonar qube でも可能ですが、 sonar qube の実行には、mysql等の準備もある為、PhpMetrics の方がお手軽な印象。

Step1 install Composer

phpのパッケージ管理システムである Composer を install します。


$ curl https://getcomposer.org/installer | /usr/local/bin/php
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Step2 install PhpMetrics

以下により、PhpMetrics が local へ installされます

$ composer require phpmetrics/phpmetrics --dev
$ ls -lF
   71 May  3 02:41 composer.json
 4519 May  3 02:41 composer.lock
   84 May  3 02:41 vendor/

Step3 run PhpMetrics

以下のように実行することで、 ~/path/to/php_sources 以下にある php source の code metrics が、 myreport 以下に html 形式で生成されます。

$ /usr/local/bin/php \
  ./vendor/bin/phpmetrics \
  --report-html=myreport \

    Lines of code                               27958
    Logical lines of code                       22461
    Comment lines of code                       5511
    Average volume                              1920.57
    Average comment weight                      22.07
    Average intelligent content                 22.07
    Logical lines of code by class              147
    Logical lines of code by method             17

Object oriented programming
    Classes                                     153
    Interface                                   0
    Methods                                     1300
    Methods by class                            8.5
    Lack of cohesion of methods                 2.61
    Average afferent coupling                   1.41
    Average efferent coupling                   1.56
    Average instability                         0.75
    Depth of Inheritance Tree                   1.51
    Packages                                    3
    Average classes per package                 55
    Average distance                            0.24
    Average incoming class dependencies         0.67
    Average outgoing class dependencies         1.67
    Average incoming package dependencies       0.67
    Average outgoing package dependencies       0.67

    Average Cyclomatic complexity by class      30.23
    Average Weighted method count by class      37.98
    Average Relative system complexity          100.2
    Average Difficulty                          15.35
    Average bugs by class                       0.64
    Average defects by class (Kan)              1.89

    Critical                                    0
    Error                                       97
    Warning                                     62
    Information                                 30