ただし、上記urlは2011年の内容で、その後のtwitterの仕様変更により 動作しない部分がありましたので、修正しています。
以下を というfile名で保存し、 これをCGIとしてブラウザからアクセスすると、ユーザ情報詳細?が表示されます。
OAUTHでの動作を確認する為、「print STDERR "POINT 1.1\n"」のような debug write を大量に入れています
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use CGI; use OAuth::Lite::Consumer; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use Data::Dumper; # 「CGI::param called in list context ...」のerrorとなる為、以下を記載 # $CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN = 0; # key や secretは、 にて取得 my $OAUTH_CONSUMER_PARAM = {consumer_key =>'ないしょ', consumer_secret =>'ないしょ', site =>"", request_token_path=>"", access_token_path =>"", authorize_path =>"", callback_url => ''}; # 今回、試用したAPIの内容は、以下のurlにある説明が分かりやすい。 # refer to my $API_REQ_URL = ''; main(); sub main { print STDERR "POINT 1.1\n"; my $consumer = OAuth::Lite::Consumer->new(%$OAUTH_CONSUMER_PARAM); my $query = CGI->new; print STDERR "POINT 1.2\n"; my $oauth_token = $query->param('oauth_token'); my $oauth_verifier = $query->param('oauth_verifier'); if($oauth_token and $oauth_verifier){ print STDERR "POINT 1.3\n"; return reqest_with_token_and_verifier($consumer, $oauth_token, $oauth_verifier); } print STDERR "POINT 1.4\n"; return reqest_without_token_and_verifier($consumer,$query); } sub reqest_with_token_and_verifier { my ($consumer,$oauth_token,$oauth_verifier) = @_; print STDERR "POINT 2.1\n"; my $access_token = $consumer->get_access_token(token =>$oauth_token, verifier=>$oauth_verifier); print STDERR "POINT 2.2\n"; my $req = $consumer->gen_oauth_request(method=> 'GET', url => $API_REQ_URL, token => $access_token); print STDERR "POINT 2.3\n"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(); my $res = $ua->request($req); if(not $res->is_success){ print STDERR "POINT 2.4\n"; my $tmp_msg = join(" ", $res->status_line, $!); die $tmp_msg; } print STDERR "POINT 2.5\n"; my $account = JSON::decode_json($res->content); print "Content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8\n\n"; print Dumper($account); return; } sub reqest_without_token_and_verifier { my ($consumer,$query) = @_; print STDERR "POINT 3.1\n"; my $request_token = $consumer->get_request_token(); my $uri = $consumer->url_to_authorize(token => $request_token); print $query->redirect($uri); print STDERR "POINT 3.2\n"; return; }
ちなみに、以下が、最終的にtwitter apiから取得できた情報
$VAR1 = { 'status' => { 'truncated' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ), 'possibly_sensitive' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'in_reply_to_user_id' => undef, 'entities' => { 'hashtags' => [ { 'indices' => [ 39, 42 ], 'text' => 'fb' } ], 'user_mentions' => [], 'symbols' => [], 'urls' => [ { 'indices' => [ 16, 38 ], 'display_url' => "\x{2026}", 'url' => '', 'expanded_url' => '' } ] }, 'created_at' => 'Sat Sep 12 22:57:03 +0000 2015', 'is_quote_status' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'favorite_count' => 1, 'id_str' => '642834335138099200', 'place' => undef, 'lang' => 'ja', 'in_reply_to_user_id_str' => undef, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => undef, 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => undef, 'text' => "\x{554f}\x{984c}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}\x{3001}\x{3044}\x{3044}\x{3093}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3051}\x{3069}\x{306d} #fb", 'contributors' => undef, 'favorited' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'geo' => undef, 'id' => '642834335138099200', 'in_reply_to_status_id_str' => undef, 'retweet_count' => 0, 'coordinates' => undef, 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>', 'retweeted' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'} }, 'url' => '', 'created_at' => 'Sat Jul 18 08:56:42 +0000 2009', 'follow_request_sent' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_image_url_https' => '', 'name' => 'end0tknr', 'lang' => undef, 'translator_type' => 'none', 'id_str' => '57893029', 'following' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'protected' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_background_tile' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'entities' => { 'description' => { 'urls' => [] }, 'url' => { 'urls' => [ { 'expanded_url' => '', 'display_url' => '', 'url' => '', 'indices' => [ 0, 22 ] } ] } }, 'statuses_count' => 520, 'contributors_enabled' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_image_url' => '', 'profile_text_color' => '333333', 'description' => "\x{592a}\x{5bb0}\x{5e9c}\x{5929}\x{6e80}\x{5bae}\x{306e}\x{72db}\x{72ac}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{5999}\x{306b}\x{304b}\x{308f}\x{3044}\x{3044}", 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' => 'DDEEF6', 'default_profile_image' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_link_color' => '1DA1F2', 'id' => 57893029, 'default_profile' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ), 'listed_count' => 1, 'suspended' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'is_translator' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_background_image_url' => '', 'geo_enabled' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'notifications' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_use_background_image' => $VAR1->{'default_profile'}, 'followers_count' => 3, 'friends_count' => 10, 'profile_background_color' => 'C0DEED', 'has_extended_profile' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'screen_name' => 'end0tknr', 'location' => '', 'needs_phone_verification' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'is_translation_enabled' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'}, 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'C0DEED', 'favourites_count' => 0, 'time_zone' => undef, 'profile_background_image_url_https' => '', 'utc_offset' => undef, 'verified' => $VAR1->{'status'}{'truncated'} };