- xlrd.open_workbook( $file_path ) - localにあるfileを開く
- xlrd.open_workbook( file_contents=~ ) - downloadしたexcelを直接開く
xlrd.open_workbook( $file_path ) - localにあるfileを開く
よく見る xlrd.open_workbook(~) の使用法です。 例えば、以下の download_excel() では、 tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() に xlsな excelを一旦、保存し その後、xlrd.open_workbook(~) でfileを開いています。
#!python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # refer urls are below. # https://gigazine.net/news/20151201-household-income-map/ # https://gunmagisgeek.com/datavis/mimanCity/ # http://www.e-stat.go.jp/SG1/estat/NewList.do?tid=000001063455 # https://github.com/shimizu/H25_yearly_income from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from psycopg2 import extras # for bulk insert import appbase import copy import json import xlrd # for xls import os import re import tempfile import urllib.request from service.city import CityService master_xls = "b013.xls" target_host = "http://www.e-stat.go.jp" target_tbl_name = "".join([ "家計を主に支える者の年齢(6区分)・従業上の地位(8区分)・", "世帯の年間収入階級(5区分),", "現住居以外の土地の所有状況(4区分)別普通世帯数―市区町村"]) target_tbl_url = re.compile("^/stat-search/file-download") bulk_insert_size = 20 logger = None class EstatJutakuTochiService(appbase.AppBase): def __init__(self): global logger logger = self.get_logger() def save_tbl_rows(self, rows): logger.info("start") logger.info(rows[0]) row_groups = self.__divide_rows(rows, bulk_insert_size) sql = """ INSERT INTO estat_jutakutochi (city,setai,setai_nushi_age,setai_year_income) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """ with self.db_connect() as db_conn: with self.db_cursor(db_conn) as db_cur: for row_group in row_groups: try: # bulk insert extras.execute_values(db_cur,sql,row_group) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error(sql) logger.error(row_group) return False db_conn.commit() return True def __divide_rows(self, org_rows, chunk_size): i = 0 chunk = [] ret_rows = [] for org_row in org_rows: chunk.append( ( org_row['city'], org_row['setai'], json.dumps(org_row['setai_nushi_age'], ensure_ascii=False), json.dumps(org_row['setai_year_income'], ensure_ascii=False) ) ) if len(chunk) >= chunk_size: ret_rows.append(chunk) chunk = [] i += 1 if len(chunk) > 0: ret_rows.append(chunk) return ret_rows def download_excel(self, download_url): logger.info(download_url) ret_data = [] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_xls_path =os.path.join(tmp_dir, master_xls) try: data = urllib.request.urlopen(download_url).read() with open(tmp_xls_path, mode="wb") as fh: fh.write(data) wbook = xlrd.open_workbook(tmp_xls_path) for sheetname in wbook.sheet_names(): wsheet = wbook.sheet_by_name(sheetname) logger.info("start %s %d rows" % (sheetname, wsheet.nrows) ) tmp_ret_data = self.__load_wsheet( wsheet ) ret_data.extend( tmp_ret_data ) except Exception as e: logger.error("fail", download_url) logger.error(e) return [] return ret_data def __load_wsheet( self, wsheet ): ret_data = [] city_template = {"city":"", "setai":0, "setai_nushi_age" :{}, #json "setai_year_income":{}} #json now_city = None now_data = None row_no = 21 while row_no < wsheet.nrows : tmp_atri_key = wsheet.cell_value(row_no,7) if not tmp_atri_key : row_no += 1 continue tmp_atri_key = \ tmp_atri_key.translate(str.maketrans({' ': '', ' ': ''})) city_def = self.__is_city_caption(tmp_atri_key) if city_def: if now_city: ret_data.append(now_city) now_city = copy.deepcopy( city_template ) now_city["city"] = city_def["city"] row_no += 1 continue if not now_city: row_no += 1 continue if tmp_atri_key == "普通世帯総数": now_city["setai"] = wsheet.cell_value(row_no,10) row_no += 1 continue if tmp_atri_key == "(その1.家計を主に支える者の年齢)": now_data = "setai_nushi_age" row_no += 1 continue if tmp_atri_key == "(その2.従業上の地位)": now_data = None row_no += 1 continue if tmp_atri_key == "(その3.世帯の年間収入階級)": now_data = "setai_year_income" row_no += 1 continue if not now_data: row_no += 1 continue now_city[now_data][tmp_atri_key] = wsheet.cell_value(row_no,10) row_no += 1 return ret_data def __is_city_caption(self, tmp_atry_key): re_compile = re.compile("(\d+)([^%d]+)") re_result = re_compile.search(tmp_atry_key) if not re_result: return None city_code = re_result.group(1) city_tmp = re_result.group(2) city_service = CityService() return city_service.find_def_by_code_city( city_code, city_tmp ) def __find_pref_links(self, hrefs): ret_urls = [] re_compile = re.compile("([^\d]+[都道府県]).+2\d\d件") for href in hrefs: href_text = href.text.replace('\n', '').strip() re_result = re_compile.search(href_text) if not re_result: continue ret_urls.append( [re_result.group(1), target_host+ href.attrs['href'] ]) return ret_urls def __find_download(self, pref_req_url ): html_content = urllib.request.urlopen(pref_req_url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') tmp_css_selector = ".stat-dataset_list-item" articles = [] try: articles = soup.select(tmp_css_selector) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error(pref_req_url) return "" for article in articles: download_url = self.__find_download_sub( article ) if download_url: return download_url def __find_download_sub(self, elm_article ): elm_lis = [] tmp_css_selector = ".stat-dataset_list-detail-item" try: elm_lis = elm_article.select(tmp_css_selector) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return "" if len(elm_lis)==0: return "" tmp_text = elm_lis[0].text.replace('\n', '').strip() re_compile = re.compile("111") #= 表番号 if not re_compile.search(tmp_text): return "" tmp_css_selector = ".stat-link_text" try: elm_lis = elm_article.select(tmp_css_selector) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return "" tmp_text = elm_lis[0].text.replace('\n', '').strip() if tmp_text != target_tbl_name: return "" hrefs = [] try: hrefs = elm_article.select("a") except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return "" re_compile = re.compile(target_tbl_url) for href in hrefs: download_url = href.attrs['href'] if re_compile.search(download_url): return target_host + download_url def find_download_urls(self): logger.info("start") req_url = target_host+ '/SG1/estat/NewList.do?tid=000001063455' html_content = urllib.request.urlopen(req_url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') tmp_css_selector = ".stat-matter3 a" try: hrefs = soup.select(tmp_css_selector) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error(req_url) return [] pref_urls = self.__find_pref_links(hrefs) ret_urls = [] for pref_url in pref_urls: logger.info("start "+pref_url[0]+" "+ pref_url[1]) ret_url = self.__find_download(pref_url[1] ) logger.info("done "+pref_url[0]+" "+ ret_url) ret_urls.append( ret_url ) return ret_urls
xlrd.open_workbook( file_contents=~ ) - downloadしたexcelを直接開く
一方、xlrd.open_workbook( file_contents=~ ) では、 ダウンロードしたファイルの直接読み込みや、 標準入力からの読み込みが可能です。
#!python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #refer to # https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/files # ?layout=datalist&toukei=00200522&tstat=000001127155&tclass1=000001133386 # 市町村-1 # 居住世帯の有無(8区分)別住宅数及び住宅以外で人が # 居住する建物数―全国,都道府県,市区町村 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from psycopg2 import extras # for bulk insert from service.city import CityService import xlrd # for xls import os import re import service.estat_jutakutochi import tempfile import urllib.request from service.city import CityService download_url = \ "https://www.e-stat.go.jp/stat-search/file-download?statInfId=000031866048&fileKind=0" logger = None class EstatJutakuTochiD001Service( service.estat_jutakutochi.EstatJutakuTochiService): def __init__(self): global logger logger = self.get_logger() def calc_download_filename(self,headers, download_url): re_compile_1 = "^attachment;\s+" filename = None for header in headers: if header[0] == "Content-Disposition": filename = self.calc_download_filename_sub(header[1]) break if filename: return filename filename = os.basename(download_url) if filename: return filename return None def calc_download_filename_sub(self,header_vals_str): header_vals = re.compile("\s*;\s*").split(header_vals_str) # rfc 6266 # https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Disposition re_compile = re.compile("^filename\*\s*=(.+)''(.+)") for header_val in header_vals: re_result = re_compile.search( header_val ) if not re_result: continue filename_enc = re_result.group(1) filename = re_result.group(2) filename = filename.encode(filename_enc).decode("UTF-8") return filename re_compile = re.compile("^filename\s*=['\"]?(.+)['\"]?") for header_val in header_vals: re_result = re_compile.search( header_val ) if not re_result: continue filename = re_result.group(1) return filename return None def download_file(self, download_url): logger.info(download_url) try: res = urllib.request.urlopen(download_url) except Exception as e: logger.error(download_url) logger.error(e) return None content = res.read() filename = self.calc_download_filename(res.getheaders(), download_url ) return {"filename":filename, "content":content} def download_src_data(self): logger.info(download_url) downloaded = self.download_file( download_url ) ret_data = [] wbook = xlrd.open_workbook( file_contents=downloaded["content"] ) for sheetname in wbook.sheet_names(): wsheet = wbook.sheet_by_name(sheetname) logger.info("start %s %d rows" % (sheetname, wsheet.nrows) ) tmp_ret_data = self.load_wsheet( wsheet ) ret_data.extend( tmp_ret_data ) return ret_data def load_wsheet( self, wsheet ): city_service = CityService() ret_data = [] row_no = 17 while row_no < wsheet.nrows : city_code = wsheet.cell_value(row_no,7) city_name = wsheet.cell_value(row_no,8).strip() # print(city_code, city, total) city_def = city_service.find_def_by_code_city(city_code, city_name) if not city_def: row_no += 1 continue new_info = { "pref" : city_def["pref"], "city" : city_def["city"], "house" : wsheet.cell_value(row_no,10), # 住宅数 "lived_house" : wsheet.cell_value(row_no,11), # 居住世帯あり "nolived_house": wsheet.cell_value(row_no,14), # 居住世帯なし } ret_data.append(new_info) row_no += 1 return ret_data def save_tbl_rows(self, rows): logger.info("start") logger.info(rows[0]) bulk_insert_size = self.get_conf()["common"]["bulk_insert_size"] atri_keys = ["pref","city","house","lived_house","nolived_house"] row_groups = self.divide_rows(rows, bulk_insert_size, atri_keys ) sql = """ INSERT INTO estat_jutakutochi_d001 (%s) VALUES %s """ sql = sql % (",".join(atri_keys), "%s") with self.db_connect() as db_conn: with self.db_cursor(db_conn) as db_cur: for row_group in row_groups: try: # bulk insert extras.execute_values(db_cur,sql,row_group) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) logger.error(sql) logger.error(row_group) return False db_conn.commit() return True def divide_rows(self, org_rows, chunk_size, atri_keys): i = 0 chunk = [] ret_rows = [] for org_row in org_rows: new_tuple = () for atri_key in atri_keys: new_tuple += (org_row[atri_key],) chunk.append( new_tuple ) if len(chunk) >= chunk_size: ret_rows.append(chunk) chunk = [] i += 1 if len(chunk) > 0: ret_rows.append(chunk) return ret_rows